DC Silver Jackets wins Silver Jackets Team of Year award
From left, Phetmano Phannavong, DC Department of Energy and Environment, DC floodplain manager; Stacey Underwood, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Silver Jackets Program coordinator; and Mark Baker, National Park Service, Dam and Levee Safety officer, are recognized as part of the District of Columbia Silver Jackets Team as state Silver Jackets team of the year, during the 2017 Interagency Flood Risk Management Workshop in St. Louis, March 2, 2017. Mark Roupas (at right), Corps, Office of Homeland Security deputy chief, presented the team members with the award during the workshop. The Corps Baltimore District, NPS and DOEE jointly lead the DC Silver Jackets, which is an interagency team that manages flood risks in the District. There are active Silver Jackets teams in 47 states, plus the District, and the program is sponsored by the Corps. (Courtesy photo)