Washington Aqueduct releases year-long plan for repairs to the District’s original water conduit​. Click here for additional information.

Washington Aqueduct's statement on EPA’s Final PFAS regulations - Friday, March 17, 2023

The Washington Aqueduct is dedicated to executing its critical mission to ensure safe, reliable, and cost-effective drinking water for its wholesale customers – DC Water, Fairfax Water, and Arlington County – which includes a strong commitment to meeting the newly released U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory standards for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Our team is evaluating the EPA’s Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation published April 10, 2024, and in tandem with our wholesale customers, is preparing to update all needed operating procedures to ensure we meet EPA requirements encompassed in these updated regulatory standards. Our commitment is to update the public as soon as our evaluation is complete and a path forward has been determined.

Please contact your respective direct water provider for additional information.

DC Water

Arlington County

Fairfax Water


Washington Aqueduct Overview

The Washington Aqueduct produces drinking water for approximately one million citizens living, working, or visiting in the District of Columbia, Arlington County, Virginia, and other areas in northern Virginia to include portions of Fairfax County. 

A division of the Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Aqueduct is a federally owned and operated public water supply agency that produces an average of 135 million gallons of water per day at two treatment plants located in the District of Columbia. All funding for operations, maintenance, and capital improvements comes from revenue generated by selling drinking water to the three jurisdictions.

The Corps of Engineers designed, built, and, in 1859, began operating the Aqueduct. Since then, the Corps has substantially expanded and improved the capacity and function of the Aqueduct from its original mission of supplying raw river water to a sparsely populated District of Columbia to today’s mission of providing safe drinking water to a much larger and more populous service area.

Our Mission

The mission of the Washington Aqueduct is to collect, purify, and pump an adequate supply of drinking water for its wholesale customers: DC Water, Arlington County, and Fairfax Water. 

Our Vision

Washington Aqueduct's vision is to be a leader in the water treatment and supply industry employing state of the art technology, highly-skilled and trained personnel, creative solutions and modern processes.


The United States Army Corps of Engineers – Baltimore District (USACE-NAB) has made a finding of adverse effect for the McMillan - North Clearwell Replacement Project pursuant to 36 CFR 800.5, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHOA, 54 USC 306108). The McMillan North Clearwell is part of the Washington Aqueduct and is located on federal property in Washington, D.C. USACE-NAB finds that the implementation of the Project would adversely affect the 3 historic properties listed below.

  • North Clearwell
  • M6 – Control House
  • M20 – Flume Building

USACE is currently consulting with the DC Historic Preservation Office, Commission of Fine Arts, National Capital Planning Commission, and other consulting parties to mitigate this adverse effect while prioritizing its critical mission to ensure safe, reliable, and cost-effective drinking water for its customers. If you have any questions about this process, please email us at NAB-PAO@usace.army.mil


USACE's How it Works E1 - Washington Aqueduct

Contact Information

5900 MacArthur Boulevard
Washington, D.C. 20016-2514
