The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, has received an application for a Department of the Army (DA) permit (Corps number NAB- 2023-61200) for the Sparrows Point Container Terminal project from Tradepoint TiL Terminal, LLC, a joint venture between Tradepoint Atlantic and Terminal Investments Limited to construct a new container terminal in the Port of Baltimore.
The USACE, as the lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), has determined the proposed project may significantly affect the quality of the human environment and intends to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). The USACE action will be to issue, issue with modifications, or deny a DA permit for the proposed project. The EIS will assess the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of the proposed project.
The proposed project requires authorization from USACE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) for the construction of any structure in or over navigable waters of the United States, and Section 408 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 408) for taking possession of, use of, or injury to harbor or river improvements, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (33 USC 1413) for ocean disposal of dredged material.
PROPOSED ACTION: The project involves construction of the proposed Sparrows Point Container Terminal which would consist of a +/- 3,000 foot-long wharf with cranes, a container yard, gate complex, Intermodal/Rail Yard and various support structures (see Figure 1 below). To provide vessel access to the wharf, the project includes dredging and placement of an anticipated 3.5 - 4.5 million cubic yards of dredged material for the required widening and deepening of the existing access channel and turning basin. The access channel will connect into the Brewerton Federal Navigation channel. The proposed project plan also includes the construction of an offshore Dredged Material Containment Facility (DMCF) in the Patapsco River on the west side of Coke Point to provide placement capacity for dredged material. An offshore DMCF to provide capacity for the total anticipated dredged material volume would permanently fill approximately 100 acres of tidal waters of the United States. As part of the EIS process, USACE will consider minimization measures for dredging and a combination of alternatives for dredged material placement.
The project includes a proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The compensatory mitigation plan is under development and will be completed as part of the development of the EIS.
LOCATION: The project site is located within the Tradepoint Atlantic development on the Coke Point peninsula in the Patapsco River, Sparrows Point, Baltimore County, Maryland. [Latitude: 39.211222° and Longitude: -76.490349°]
Figure 1. Conceptual draft design of the SPCT project.