RAYSTOWN LAKE, Pennsylvania — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District will conduct a recreational carrying capacity study at Raystown Lake from June 29 through September 3.
The study will be utilized to determine boat usage and capacity at Raystown Lake as a part of the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision process. A carrying capacity study is used to determine the maximum population an area will support without degrading the recreation experience.
Contractors hired by the Corps will conduct boat counts at launch ramps, campgrounds, marinas, and public use areas throughout Raystown Lake as well as use a helicopter to determine actual boat counts on the lake itself.
Rangers will be collecting contact information throughout this period from boaters interested in providing official feedback to the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision process through a boating survey. Boaters wishing to participate in this survey should fill out the form on the following webpage: http://www.nab.usace.army.mil/raystown_survey_contact/. An official survey will be sent later in the summer to boaters who gave their contact information to Raystown Park Rangers or through the survey contact form.
The Raystown Lake Master Plan serves as the land-use document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all recreational, natural and cultural resources throughout the life of the lake project. The primary goals of the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision are to prescribe an overall land-use management plan, resource objectives, and associated design and management concepts for the Raystown Lake Project.
For specific questions regarding the carrying capacity study, contact the Raystown Lake Project Office at 814-658-6809. For more information regarding the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision, visit the study webpage at: http://www.nab.usace.army.mil/Raystown-Master-Plan-Revision/
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Release no. 18-040