BALTIMORE — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, has signed an Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) on Fort George G. Meade property with Trammell Crow Company to allow construction of more than 500,000 square feet of office space for the benefit of the installation and its community.
The 53-acre site, located less than a half-mile outside of the installation’s fence line on Reece Road, will include up to 540,000 square feet of office space spread among four buildings. The anticipated modern office space will allow Fort Meade to leverage underused property while reducing base operating costs and stimulating the local economy.
Through the EUL program, Department of Defense military branches have the authority to lease available, non-excess real property to non-federal parties. These leases allow military installations to more effectively use underused property to the installation’s benefit, but they must be of direct benefit to the United States, promote the national defense and serve the public interest. They must also be compatible with current and anticipated future military activities at the installation.
The Enhanced Use Leasing Program within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division is managed by the Baltimore District. Potential uses for an EUL typically includes historical building restorations, vehicle test tracks, inter-modal terminals, offices, labs, industrial areas or training centers.
Site work on the leased land is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2019. To learn more about Baltimore District’s Enhanced Use Leasing program visit:
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Release no. 18-067