RAYSTOWN LAKE, Penn. -- RAYSTOWN LAKE, Penn. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is preparing the public for the release of the draft Raystown Lake Master Plan in the late fall through a series of master plan updates.
“Once we get closer to the draft being ready for official public review, we’ll send out more specific release details. Until then, we want the public to be well-informed as to what we’ve been working on and what to expect in the coming months,” said Tara Whitsel, Raystown Lake park ranger.
A series of stakeholder updates will begin in August and will be released every three to six weeks, leading up to the release of the draft Master Plan. These updates will cover topics such as the purpose, process and contents of a master plan; the public’s past, current and future role in the Master Plan; and details of the release of the draft Master Plan.
To sign-up for these stakeholder updates, the public is encouraged to go to the project webpage and fill out the stakeholder update form. Members of the public or interested agencies who have submitted Raystown Lake Master Plan comments, feedback or questions in the past by email are already a part of the stakeholder list and do not need to sign up again.
Updates will include a print-friendly stakeholder update attachment for ease of sharing within the community.
The Raystown Lake Master Plan revision team is diligently working to finish up the draft Master Plan for public review in late fall 2019. More details regarding the release of the draft plan will be sent via stakeholder update, posted to the project website and sent to local media in the coming months.
For more information on the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision, visit: www.nab.usace.army.mil/Raystown-Master-Plan-Revision/
About the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision
A master plan is a strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of a project’s recreational, natural and cultural resources. Every USACE lake has a master plan that serves as a framework for consistent, responsible decision-making for 15 to 25 years.
A master plan is similar to can be thought of like a zoning map. It tells USACE staff where certain activities and changes can occur. Master plans determine how areas of the lake should and can be used for the next 15 to 25 years based off of environmental studies, boating studies, operational requirements and public input. These studies and findings ensure that the Master Plan will properly guide decision-making at the lake.
Baltimore District is the lead agency for the Raystown Lake Master Plan revision. This team consists of biologists, engineers, water resource management specialists, real estate specialists, project managers, communication specialists, park rangers and more. These specialties are working together to develop the revised Master Plan based off of current and future conditions at the lake combined with public feedback.
It's important to note that a master plan does not plan or approve changes or improvements to the flood risk management and hydropower functions of the lake.
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