HAMMOND LAKE, Pa. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Hammond Lake encourages continued safety for the visiting public as high temperatures and drought conditions continue to impact recreation.
“This has been an abnormally dry summer with the absence of rain,” said Brandan Crabill, park ranger. “Currently, Hammond Lake is nearly 2 feet lower than normal, exposing shorelines and limiting depths of water in certain areas.”
It may be challenging for motorboats to navigate the channel accessing the lake at the first boat ramp to the left upon entrance into Ives Run Recreation Area. Therefore, this location has currently been reduced to kayak traffic only. In addition, dust on dirt roads may impact visibility and be a nuisance for hikers and bikers. Posted speed limits should always be observed to assist with minimizing the spread of dust.
Per the National Integrated Drought Information System, 100 percent of Tioga County is categorized as abnormally dry with 98 percent of the county categorized as moderate drought. Precipitation is under 50 percent compared to typical conditions during this time of year. Temperatures have also been around 10 degrees above average.
Minimum water releases from Tioga-Hammond Lakes continue to be made to help provide flow for downstream fish habitat. The extended below-normal rainfall this summer has subsequently resulted in lower-than-normal reservoir levels in Hammond Lake.
In addition to staying safe on the water, remember to stay hydrated, wear sun block, dress in light-colored and loose-fitting clothes, and keep cool, especially those in higher risk groups.
For information on current lake levels and three-day projections for downstream releases, visit the following web site: https://www.nab-wc.usace.army.mil/nab/potopub.html.
About Tioga-Hammond Lakes Project:
The Tioga-Hammond Lakes project is unique in that it consists of two separate dams, one on the Tioga River and the other along Crooked Creek. The lakes formed by both dams are joined by a gated connecting channel. The project was operationally complete in 1978. Hammond Lake has 685 surface acres of water at its normal lake level. The project includes the Ives Run Recreation Area with a campground, boat launches and overnight mooring for campers. Fishing, picnicking, swimming, various sport fields, and a volleyball court are also available to the visiting public.