RAYSTOWN LAKE, Pa. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Baltimore District and the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PAGC) implemented prescribed fire management on approximately 360 acres at the Raystown Lake Project, Oct. 22.
The prescribed fire occurred with ideal conditions in Burn Unit 6, located adjacent to Upper Corners Road in Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pa.
“Prescribed fire implementation is driven by specific weather parameters and conditions, and we had an earlier than typical ideal weather window,” said Raystown Lake Forester Glenn Werner. “We’ve had this relatively dry period and recent warm up which created conditions that allowed us to work sooner than we usually do and we took advantage of that, which ultimately resulted in the largest prescribed fire burn ever on Raystown Lands.”
Prescribed fire is part of the PAGC and USACE land management objectives. The primary goals for this unit are to promote fire dependent species, control nuisance/invasive species, create quality wildlife habitat, and reduce burnable fuel sources.
Due to the air movement during and following the burn, smoke has remained in the air and has left a lingering smell in the surrounding areas. The burn area is being patrolled by Raystown Lake staff and the PAGC to monitor for hot spots and smoldering snags. With a cold front moving in, increased winds are expected to move the residual smoke out of the area.
For more information on the PAGC’s prescribed fire program please visit: https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Wildlife/HabitatManagement/Pages/PrescribedFire.aspx. For more information on Raystown Lake please visit: https://www.nab.usace.army.mil/Missions/Dams-Recreation/Raystown-Lake/.
Release no. 24-027