Tag: trees
  • Jennings Randolph Lake forest management announces timber harvest as part of forest management plan

    The Jennings Randolph Lake staff announces a timber harvest is scheduled for a 45-acre area near the Robert W. Craig Campground beginning Nov. 30.
  • Corps of Engineers celebrates National Public Lands Day, creates habitat

    The Baltimore District at Jennings Randolph Lake will host their 20th Annual National Public Lands Day event, Sept. 28. The staff with local Boy Scouts of America and the Friends of Jennings Randolph Lake will add bundled Christmas trees donated for recycling earlier this year to the lake creating cover for fish and enhancing nursery habitat for juvenile fish. In turn, this will benefit shoreline fishing and overall fish habitat at Jennings Randolph Lake.
  • Jennings Randolph Lake accepting Christmas Trees for recycling

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Jennings Randolph Lake will be accepting natural Christmas trees to use as fish structures in the lake beginning January 2, 2013. Instead of throwing away your trees, you now have the opportunity to donate it to a cause that will benefit shoreline fishing and overall fish habitat at Jennings Randolph Lake.