Tag: District of Columbia
  • February

    Pilot study seeks drinking water advancements for nation’s capital

    In an unassuming blue trailer just a few miles north of the heart of the District of Columbia, work is underway to improve the drinking water that serves more than 1 million people in and around the nation’s capital.
  • August

    Maryland man, Bay enthusiast receives national Army regulatory award

    Since joining the Corps, Woody Francis has assisted in the development of the first general permits for the nation and the Baltimore District in 1976 and worked his way up to become the technical expert for aquaculture activities in Maryland. It’s his most recent work for the aquaculture program that led him to receive the national Don Lawyer Regulator of the Year Award.
  • February

    Baltimore District engineer recognized nationally as Federal Engineer of the Year agency winner

    Mary Foutz, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District Military Design Branch, Mechanical Section chief, received an esteemed national award as an agency winner during the Federal Engineer of the Year Award ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Feb. 17, 2017. As an agency winner, she, alongside 25 other esteemed engineers nationwide, was a finalist for the Federal Engineer of the Year.
  • September

    Corps of Engineers participates in first-time flood summit in high-risk DC

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representatives joined more than 150 experts to discuss flooding in our nation’s capital at Gallaudet University, Sept. 8, 2016, marking the first flood summit of its kind in Washington.
  • November

    D.C. Silver Jackets hosts tabletop exercise for flood emergencies in the District

    The District of Columbia’s interagency flood-fighting team completed a tabletop exercise to test the effectiveness of plans laid out in the District’s revised Flood Emergency Manual Nov. 3, 2015. This manual details how federal, District, and public agencies will respond to flood emergencies in the District and the nearby vicinity, including emergency closures and the operation of the 17th Street closure structure that is part of the Potomac Park Levee.