Notice of Publication of the Amended Proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Proposed Remedial Action of Building 23 W.R. Grace Curtis Bay Facility, Baltimore, Maryland

Published July 8, 2019

The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is publishing an Amended Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP) that includes an amended preferred remedial alternative to address the threat to human health and/or the environment created by the presence of residual radiological activity in the southwest quadrant of Building 23 at the W.R. Grace Curtis Bay Facility, Baltimore, Maryland.

In the 1950s, W.R. Grace processed monazite sand to extract the radioactive element thorium under a contract with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Processing occurred in the southwest quadrant of Building 23 and as a result of the processing operations, low levels of radioactive contamination remain on building surfaces and equipment in this quadrant of the building.  As part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), the Corps of Engineers previously completed a Record of Decision (ROD) for Building 23 in 2005. The selected alternative from the 2005 ROD included either decontamination or removal of building components that contained residual radiological activity.  Based on site conditions and activities completed since 2005, the Corps of Engineers has determined that the selected remedy requires revision. The Amended PRAP presents the amended remedial action alternative proposed by the Corps of Engineers, which includes demolition and removal of the southwest quadrant of Building 23. A copy of the PRAP is available in the project's Administrative Record File, which is located at:

Enoch Pratt Library – Brooklyn Branch
300 East Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland  21201

This full public notice, with a link to the PRAP, is also available on the internet at the following link

Written comments may be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Baltimore District, Attn: Becca Nappi, 2 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or by email to Rebecca.A.Nappi@  If requested, a public meeting will be held during the comment period to present the amended remedial alternative.  All written comments must be received by August 9, 2019.