Pre-Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) Addressing Construction of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) Battalion Operations Facility (BOF) at Humphreys Engineer Center (HEC)
Responsible Agencies: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-Baltimore District, Department of the Army, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity (HECSA)
Affected Locations: Humphreys Engineer Center, Alexandria, Virginia
The Department of the Army, USSOCOM, and HECSA propose to construct a new BOF at HEC in Alexandria, Virginia. The proposed facility would house battalion and company operations for one battalion of the 1st Capabilities Integration Group (CIG) to support the administration and operations of the brigade, battalion, and company.
The proposed BOF would be constructed on an existing athletic field and would share existing parking areas with other HEC facilities behind HEC’s perimeter security fence. The Proposed Action includes construction of a 43,100 square foot, three-story BOF building. The Proposed Action includes the installation of new electrical, water, gas, sanitary sewer lines; information systems distribution; lighting; parking; curb and gutter; sidewalks; storm drainage; landscaping; and other site improvements.
This EA analyzes the potential for environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural resources impacts from the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative; and will determine whether a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. Under the No Action Alternative, the BOF would not be constructed, and the unit would continue to lack adequate space to support the administration and operations of the brigade, battalion, and company. The battalion and company would continue to occupy undersized, poorly configured space within Building 2596.
This EA analyzes impacts to the following resource areas: aesthetic and visual resources; cultural resources; air quality; biological resources; geological resources; water resources; solid and hazardous materials; infrastructure, utilities and traffic; land use; noise; community services; and socioeconomics and environmental justice. Table ES-1 summarizes the impacts of the Proposed Action on these resources. Following the environmental review of these resources contained in this EA, it has been determined that construction of the proposed BOF at HEC would not result in significant environmental impacts. Based upon the information contained in this assessment, a FONSI is made. The preparation of an EIS is not required for this action.