Moscow Sewer Authority Church Street Sanitary Sewer Line Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment

Published Nov. 9, 2020

All Interested Parties: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District (USACE), has assessed the environmental effects of the Moscow Sewer Authority Church Street Sanitary Sewer Extension, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. The Baltimore District is cost sharing the extension of the sewer line along Church Street and Gardner Road, from the existing sanitary sewer manhole located near Moscow Elementary School to the Moscow Borough boundary. The non-federal sponsor is Moscow Sewer Authority. The proposed action consists of installing approximately 6,000 feet of 1-1/2” to 4” diameter low pressure mains located along existing state and borough road right-of-ways. Low pressure sanitary sewer laterals would be constructed and a grinder pump installed at each residential or commercial structure. The proposed extension would service existing residents and commercial properties of Moscow Borough, totaling approximately 46.5 Equivalent Dwelling Units. The proposed project would supplant existing, malfunctioning, on-lot sewage disposal systems that pose a potential risk to public health through the release of partially treated or untreated sewage to surface and ground water.

The project is authorized by Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-580), as amended. This authority directs USACE to provide assistance to non-Federal interests for carrying out water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection projects. This project is located within the Borough of Moscow, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Projects in Lackawanna County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are specifically authorized in WRDA of 1999 (PL 106-53), §502(f)(11).

The environmental assessment was prepared in compliance with NEPA and supporting regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality and the USACE. Three alternatives were considered and evaluated for this project including the proposed action (construction of a low pressure sewer system), construction of a conventional gravity sewer system, and no action.

Potential impacts to aquatic resources; terrestrial resources; endangered and threatened species; hazardous, toxic and radioactive substances; cultural resources; and social welfare were assessed.

Short-term, minor, adverse impacts from the proposed project include dust, air emissions, and noise from construction activities; potential disruption of traffic during construction; and temporary loss of vegetation in areas disturbed. The extension of the sewer line will replace malfunctioning, on-lot sewage disposal systems, thereby benefitting the community through the use of safe and reliable sewage conveyance and treatment. Appropriate steps to minimize potential adverse impacts, such as the implementation of best management practices, will be incorporated into the project. The proposed project will not have an adverse effect on any threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat. No impacts to cultural resources or National Register of Historic Places properties are expected.

The accompanying environmental assessment, which was made available for a 30-day public review, supports the conclusion that the project does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement is not necessary to perform the proposed sewer line expansion.

View the full FONSI and EA for the Moscow Sewer Authority Sewer Extension (click)