In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as amended, the Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Baltimore District, U.S. Specialist Operations Command (USASOC), 1st Capabilities Integration Group (1st CIG), and Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity (HECSA) have prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate and document the potential environmental effects associated with the proposed construction of the Maintenance and Supply Facility (MSF) at Humphreys Engineer Center (HEC) in Alexandria, Virginia.
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to support USASOC at HEC by establishing a functional, single, centralized area for efficient, synchronized unit operations and maintenance purposes by construction of a MSF to meet mission requirements by combining maintenance, administrative and supply functions. The need for the Proposed Action is to provide more efficient operations for USASOC by combining maintenance, supply, and administrative functions to one centralized location. Furthermore, there is a current and future need for a functional maintenance facility which is necessary for efficient, synchronized unit operations to execute mobilization readiness, military operations, and contingency missions at HEC.
The proposed MSF would be constructed in a 5.5‐acre wooded area located in the northwestern area of HEC and would be constructed as a one‐story, 47,300 gross square foot, three‐bay motor pool maintenance facility located west of the Cude Building (see Figure 1.1). Construction would include concrete floor slab, steel framing, concrete masonry unit bearing walls with continuous exterior insulation and brick masonry veneer, and PVC membrane roofing system with high solar reflectance.
The new construction would include built‐in building systems consisting of fire alarm/mass notification, fire suppression, utility management control, telephone, advance communications networks, cable television, and infrastructure for electronic security systems (intrusion detection, closed circuit surveillance, and electronic access control). The Proposed Action would also include the installation of electronic security system equipment (equipment funded by other appropriations). Furthermore, eye wash fountains and water deluge showers would be provided as emergency safety equipment for personnel.
Three alternatives were considered in the Environmental Assessment, including the Proposed Action (the Preferred Alternative, described as Alternative in the EA); Alternative 2 (Concept A, described as Alternative 2 in the EA); and the No Action Alternative. Under the Proposed Action, the MSF would be constructed as described above. Under Alternative 1 (Concept A) the MSF would be constructed as described above except for it would be constructed adjacent to Building 2596, in the central area of HEC. Under the No Action Alternative, the MSF would not be constructed and maintenance and support activities would continue to occur at Fort Belvoir. HEC would continue to lack appropriate maintenance and supply space for 1st CIG and other tenants on HEC.
The Environmental Assessment analyzes impacts to the following resource areas: aesthetic and visual resources; air quality; biological resources; cultural resources; geological resources; solid and hazardous materials; infrastructure, utilities and traffic; land use; noise; community services; socioeconomics and environmental justice; and water resources. Following the environmental review of these resource areas contained in the Environmental Assessment, it has been determined that construction of the proposed MSF at HEC would not result in significant environmental impacts. As a result of this determination, a Finding of No Significant Impact has been made for the Proposed Action. The preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not required for this action.
Dale F. Stoutenburgh