The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District has initiated a five-year review for the Sunset Golf Course Landfill Site in Londonderry Township, Pa.
The process involves an evaluation of the risk posed by contaminants remaining at the site. The landfill cap and fencing have been actively maintained, and annual inspections ensure that this portion of the remedy will continue to be protective of human health and the environment. Furthermore, groundwater from the vicinity is no longer used as a drinking water source.
The U.S. Air Force used approximately 15 acres of the property as a landfill for a wide variety of wastes generated at Olmsted Air Force Base from 1956 to 1968. Londonderry Township purchased the land in 1968, and in 1983 groundwater contamination (chlorinated solvents) was discovered coming from the former landfill.
The Air Force installed several remedies from 1993-1994 to clean up the area and prevent further contamination. Follow-up groundwater studies from 1997-2005 demonstrated that groundwater standards had been met, and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) confirmed remediation was complete in March 2007.
If you have any questions please contact Andrea Takash, Corps of Engineers, Public Affairs, at 410-962-2626 or