June 1, 2015
All Interested Parties: In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District (USACE), is preparing an environmental assessment (EA) for multiple stream and wetland restoration projects being proposed in the Anacostia River watershed in Prince George's County, Maryland. The study is being conducted in partnership with the Prince George's County Department of the Environment to determine if there are restoration projects to be implemented by the Corps. If implemented, the projects would directly support USACE's commitment to the Chesapeake Bay goals included in Executive Order 13508, Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration.
In February 2010, USACE, in cooperation with local resource agencies, completed the Anacostia Restoration Plan (ARP), which identified numerous environmental restoration opportunities in the Anacostia watershed. The current Anacostia River watershed restoration study includes more detailed consideration of some of the restoration projects previously identified in the ARP that USACE can implement in Prince George's County. The EA under preparation also contains additional stream and wetland restoration projects that were not included in the ARP.
Ten stream segments totaling approximately 10 miles in length have been selected for investigation. The primary project objectives for the selected stream segments are to: (1) restore in-stream habitat; (2) remove fish barriers; and (3) restore floodplain wetlands and increase stream-floodplain connection. To achieve these objectives, stream and wetland restoration methods involving placement of in-stream structures, fish blockages removal/modification, excavating floodplain sediments, placing fill and soil in the floodplain, or planting native vegetation in the floodplain are being investigated. Projects would be formulated to optimize environmental benefits, to avoid increasing flood risk, and to minimize detrimental impacts to structures, properties, and human use of the streams and floodplain.
Alternatives that achieve project objectives are being planned, and benefits and costs will be evaluated. This planning information will be presented in a draft EA integrated within a USACE feasibility report anticipated to be released for public review in late 2015. A notice of availability will be released to inform the public that the EA describing proposed actions is available for review and comment.
To assist in the development of the EA, we are requesting that you provide information concerning your interests or your organization's area of responsibility or expertise within 30 days from the date of this notice to the address below. A timely review of this information and a written response would be greatly appreciated. Substantive public comments received via the NEPA process will be fully considered by USACE.
If you have any questions, please contact Christopher Spaur by e-mail at Christopher.C.Spaur@usace.army.mil, by telephone at (410) 962-6134, or by mail at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, ATTN: CENAB-PL-P (Spaur), P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, Maryland 21203-1715.
Daniel M. Bierly Chief, Civil Project Development Branch