Regulatory Correspondence

Please submit any correspondence, including compliance certification forms, via email at

or via mail:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
Regulatory Branch (CENAB-OPR)
2 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201

Customer Service Survey

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To access the survey, click here.

Public Notices Overview

A Public Notice is prepared as the primary method of advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought and of soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable beneficial and detrimental impacts on the public interest.  Public notices are only prepared for projects determined to exceed minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects and that may be contrary to the public interest.

Submitting Comments:

To send email comments to the respective Project Manager, click on the Project Manager's name below, or contact the Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 2 Hopkins Plaza., Baltimore, MD 21201. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number. Please be sure to include the Public Notice Number or the Application Number on all correspondence to the District.

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Tag: cages
  • SPN16-25 (Expiration of Regional General Permit-1 and Reinstatement of Nationwide Permit 48 with mods for Maryland aquaculture activities)

    Expiration date: 6/1/2016

    Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is requesting comments until May 31, 2016, on proposed changes to the current aquaculture permitting process. Proposed changes include allowing unlimited project acreage for qualifying aquaculture activities under Nationwide Permit 48 and a concurrent review process with Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The existing Regional General Permit for aquaculture activities in Maryland, which has been effective for the past five years, expires August 15, 2016. Baltimore District’s Regulatory Branch proposes to reinstate Nationwide Permit 48, Aug. 16, 2016, for new aquaculture activities with the goal of making the permit process more efficient. Comments will be accepted via email at and by mail: Attn: Woody Francis, Regulatory Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District 10 South Howard St. Baltimore, Maryland 21201

  • PN 13-25 Chesapeake Fresh Oyster Company

    Expiration date: 6/2/2013

    PN 13-25 Chesapeake Bay Oyster Co.,St. Mary’s County DESCRIPTION: To expand an existing oyster aquaculture operation to include approximately 1.l4 acres of additional cages; to establish an oyster nursery facility within an existing grow-out area; and to stabilize approximately 1.79 acres of area below cages with oyster and/or clam shell below cages. POC: Laura Shively @ 410-962-6011 or by email

Regulatory Documents
