O’Brien Road Access Modernization (ORAM)

The DoD proposes to renovate and upgrade installation access and inspection facilities for the NSA campus and Fort Meade Garrison. The project is collectively known as the O’Brien Road Access Modernization (ORAM) project. The project area for the facilities and roadway improvements is at the intersection of Mapes and O’Brien Roads on Fort Meade. 

The analyses in this EIS consider alternatives for the Proposed Action, including the No Action Alternative. Resource areas analyzed in this EIS include land use and visual resources, transportation, noise, air quality, geological resources, water resources, biological resources and wetlands, cultural resources, infrastructure, sustainability, hazardous materials and wastes, and socioeconomics and environmental justice. 

The Final EIS review period ends on March 11, 2024. Written comments on the EIS should be submitted by mail to “ORAM EIS,” c/o HDR, 2650 Park Tower Drive, Suite 400, Vienna, Virginia 22180, or by email to ORAM@hdrinc.com

Final EIS

This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared to address the proposal by the Department of Defense (DoD) for implementation of the O’Brien Road Access Modernization (ORAM) project, which consists of the renovation and upgrade of the inspection and access facilities for both the National Security Agency (NSA) campus and Fort George G. Meade (Fort Meade) Garrison, Maryland. This EIS has been prepared through coordination with federal and state agencies, and will support DoD decision making. This EIS identifies and assesses the potential impacts associated with the Proposed Action and has been prepared to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

The purpose of the proposed project is to construct facilities and infrastructure to allow for increased capacity for required security processing of traffic and deliveries entering Fort Meade and the NSA campus. The need for the proposed project is to address inefficiencies with current infrastructure and capacity issues. Mission growth at both NSA and Fort Meade along with major construction projects have generated changes in Fort Meade traffic distribution, resulting in extensive delays for inspection and access. The configuration and requirements for entry to the existing Vehicle Cargo Inspection Facility (VCIF), Vehicle Control Point 5 (VCP5), and associated security infrastructure can create extensive vehicle queues during peak hours, which can further cause security concerns if a vehicle is rejected and must be escorted by security through the existing traffic lanes. The existing configuration does not meet current security standards.

Comment on the NSA ORAM EIS



Written comments regarding the EIS may be submitted by any of the following methods:

ORAM EIS, c/o: HDR 2650, Park Tower Drive, Suite 400, Vienna, VA 22180


Mr. Jeffrey Williams, Sr. Environmental Engineer, jdwill2@nsa.gov, 301–688– 2970