CBCP Data Request

USACE and NFWF have been working through our geospatial analysis.  We have come to some data gaps and we need YOUR help.  We thought the best way to facilitate filling these gaps was a data call.  We are requesting that data request forms be provided back to USACE by March 7, 2017.


#1  "Restoration Actions," click here to download this data request.

There is A LOT of good work going on in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.  One our charges for the CBCP effort is to ensure that we are adopting and aligning with the most up-to date good stuff going on in the Bay. We know there is a lot of recently implemented or about to be implemented environmental/ecosystem restoration projects and/or programs.   However there is no ONE good place to get this data.  We started collecting this information at our November stakeholder workshop. Our plan is create a data layer/database of "Restoration Actions " with corresponding map(s). This would be shared and could be utilized by Chesapeake Bay stakeholders for collaboration purposes and for future planning efforts.    


#2  "Candidate Restoration Project," click here to download this data request.

One of the end products of the CBCP is to recommend AT LEAST one ecosystem restoration project per Bay state that USACE could partner with a non-federal agency to implement.  We are looking for projects with minimal risk and uncertainty that can be implemented without further research, complex modeling or data collection to achieve immediate, meaningful environmental benefits to the Chesapeake Bay. It would helpful to indicate your higher priority projects.  We are looking to identify strategic partnerships and funding sources to implement recommendations (i.e. projects). 


We appreciate your attention in this manner.  

Vision Statement

We envision an environmentally and economically sustainable AND RESILIENT Chesapeake Bay watershed with clean water, abundant life, conserved lands and access to the water, a vibrant cultural heritage, and a diversity of engaged citizens and stakeholders.