Draft FONSI | Draft EA
The Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to address the proposal by the Department of Defense (DoD) for the construction and operation of the CNMF Facility at Fort George G. Meade (Fort Meade) Garrison, Maryland. This EA has been prepared through coordination with federal and state agencies, and will support the DoD decision making. This EA identifies and addresses the potential impacts associated with the Proposed Action and has been prepared to fulfil the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).
The analyses in this Environmental Assessment (EA) consider alternatives for the Proposed Action, including the No Action Alternative. Resource areas analyzed in this EA include land use and visual resources, transportation, noise, air quality, geological resources, water resources, biological resources and wetlands, cultural resources, infrastructure, sustainability, hazardous materials and wastes, and socioeconomics and environmental justice.
The Draft EA review period ends on October 28, 2024. Written comments on the EA should be submitted by mail to “CNMF EA,” c/o HDR, 2650 Park Tower Drive, Suite 400, Vienna, VA 22180.