East Sidney Lake Master Plan Revision

2019 East Sidney Lake Master Plan & EA Available
(revised Aug. 2020 to reflect updated water capacity values)
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Late March 2019
Draft Master Plan & EA available for public review, public comment period begins

April 3, 2019
Town Hall Meeting

May 2019
Comment Period Ends

October 2019
Final Master Plan Submitted

About the Master Plan Revision

What is a Master Plan?

Master Plans summarize existing conditions, serve as an inventory and analysis of land resources, consider implications of alternative development actions, and recommend land use changes to support a preferred development plan. A Master Plan provides a framework for consistent, responsible decision-making for 15-25 years.  This includes land use classifications that govern the way land is managed and used to provide good stewardship and outdoor recreation to meet the needs created by the lake itself.  

How will this process impact East Sidney Lake?

The primary goals of the the master plan revision are to prescribe an overall land use management plan, resource objectives, and associated design and management concepts for East Sidney Lake.  This means we're basically creating an updated guide for the management of East Sidney Lake based upon new public input, environmental studies, etc.  It's important to note that a Master Plan does not plan or approve changes or improvements to flood risk management, hydropower, navigation and water supply functions. 

How can I be involved?

We want and need public input throughout this process.  A Master Plan is the community's chance to shape the future of the lake by suggesting improvements, new ideas or giving feedback on current or future use.  You can submit questions or comments for the Master Plan Revision within the form below.  If you'd like to join our mailing list for updates, please email CENAB-CC@usace.army.mil.

Submit Questions, Comments & Feedback


Proposed Land Classifications Map

Current Recreation Features

Study Area Map