
Please note, the Site-Wide Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study phase which this page is focused on is complete. The Decision Document, which outlines the selected remedies the Army will carry out to address both unacceptable risks within the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site base on the RI/FS phase, was finalized in 2017. For the latest on the ongoing Remedial Action phase, in which the selected remedies are being carried out, please visit the Site-Wide section of our Spring Valley page.

January 2016 Announcement - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District has released the final Feasibility Study report, stemming from the previously completed Site-Wide Remedial Investigation for the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, or CERLCA. The final Feasibility Study report can be download by clicking here.

The Feasibility Study, along with the Remedial Investigation and the several large appendices that are part of the Remedial Investigation report, can also be found on the Spring Valley Extranet Site under Site-Wide Remedial Investigation Report here.

These documents will also be located in the Information Repository at the Tenley-Friendship Branch Library, located at 4450 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.

Please note, USACE is continuously listening to community feedback. We encourage community and stakeholder participation during every phase of the project. You may contact the Spring Valley Community Outreach Team for more information about the project, or to receive email updates. Please contact the Spring Valley Community Outreach Team at 410-962-2210 or

RI/FS Overview

The Site-Wide Remedial Investigation (RI) Report and Feasibility Study (FS) are part of the documentation of our Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, or CERCLA, activities.

The RI summarizes the results of completed field investigations and removal activities performed to characterize the nature and extent of any potential remaining hazards posed by munitions and risks posed by chemical contaminants resulting from past Department of Defense (DoD) activities in the Spring Valley FUDS. It also reviews anecdotal information and historical DoD activities in the area now designated as the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) to plan focused investigations.

The purpose of the FS is to develop, screen, and provide a detailed analysis of remedial alternatives to mitigate: 1) unacceptable risks posed by soil contamination resulting from chemicals of concern (COCs), and 2) potential unacceptable explosive hazards due to MEC that may remain within the SVFUDS. It is based on information, site characterization, and determination of potential risks or hazards to human health which is contained in the RI.

For more details on the CERCLA process, please click here

Click here for a fact sheet regarding the Feasibility Study.

RI/FS Conclusions and Next Steps

Conclusions - Contaminated Soil Remedial Alternatives

Based on the detailed analysis of contaminated soil remedial alternatives in the Feasibility Study, Alternative 4, “Excavation and Off-site Disposal,” is the most favorable remedial alternative to achieve the Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs), but final selection of a preferred alternative will be proposed and documented in the forthcoming Proposed Plan.

While Alternative 3, “Phytoremediation,” is initially less costly than Alternative 4, the unknowns associated with it render the costing criterion only slightly more favorable than Alternative 4. Alternative 4 will meet the RAOs in the shortest time, with the fewest unknowns. It will address all chemicals of concern under all site-specific conditions and it has been successfully conducted many times throughout Spring Valley site.

Conclusions - Explosive Hazards Remedial Alternatives

Based on the detailed analysis of remaining explosive hazards remedial alternatives for the areas of focus, Alternative 6, “Digital Geophysical Mapping of Accessible Areas, Remove Selected Anomalies,” is the most favorable remedial alternative to achieve the RAOs, but final selection of a preferred alternative will be proposed and documented in the forthcoming Proposed Plan. On an individual property basis, Alternative 6 is the least costly of the four alternatives. Alternative 6 is protective of human health and the environment, is compliant with applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements, and will meet the RAOs in the shortest time period.

For further information regarding the various alternatives evaluated and the analysis and comparison of those alternatives, the Feasibility Study can be downloaded by clicking here.

Next Steps

The next step in the CERCLA process now that the Feasibility Study has been finalized will be for USACE to compose a Draft Final Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan formally presents the Army's preferred alternatives as a result of the Feasibility Study analysis. A formal public comment period will be held to allow the community an opportunity to review and comment on the Proposed Plan before it is finalized.

Contact Information

Baltimore District Corporate Communication

To receive email updates, please contact our Community Outreach team at 410-962-2210.