BALTIMORE – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, has announced the list of projects that will receive funding this fiscal year, as outlined in the fiscal 2017 work plan for the Army Civil Works program released May 24. Baltimore District is also sharing the projects included in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget for Civil Works released May 23.
“Funding through our Civil Works program allows us and our important non-federal partners to continue to study, maintain and improve critical water resources infrastructure throughout the region; bring economic and environmental returns to the nation; and reduce risks to public safety,” said Col. Ed Chamberlayne, Baltimore District commander.
Proposed fiscal 2018 President Budget funds are distributed within Baltimore District’s Civil Works program as follows:
· Construction - $36.25 million
· Operation and Maintenance – $91.65 million
· Investigations - $200,000
· Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) - $2 million
The following sections highlight projects to receive funding this fiscal year through the 2017 work plan, as well as projects identified in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget. Funds identified for fiscal 2017 include allocated amounts from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 and additional funding provided by the work plan. Funds identified in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget are proposed amounts subject to the passing of appropriations legislation.
· The Assateague Island project in Maryland received $600,000 in fiscal 2017 to continue restoration of habitat for endangered and threatened species by bypassing sand near the Ocean City Inlet and placing it within the surf zone along the northern end of Assateague Island. The project helps restore habitat that was disrupted by the Ocean City Inlet and jetties.
· The Atlantic Coast of Maryland Shoreline Protection project in Ocean City, Maryland, received $2.45 million in fiscal 2017. This funding combined with supplemental appropriations in fiscal 2017 will allow for full re-nourishment of Ocean City's beach and dune, which reduces flood risks to the community during large storms. The last re-nourishment was completed in 2014. The project was significantly damaged by a Nor’easter in 2016, prompting a need for re-nourishment earlier than the regularly-occurring four-year cycle. The district anticipates re-nourishment activities to commence this fall.
· The Poplar Island Ecosystem Restoration project in Maryland received $62.65 million in fiscal 2017 and a proposed $36.25 million in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget to continue ecosystem restoration of the remote island habitat and expansion of the project. The project beneficially uses clean material dredged through the Baltimore Harbor and Channels navigation project.
Operation and Maintenance
The Baltimore District owns and operates 16 flood risk management projects in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and West Virginia. In 2016, these project combined to prevent roughly $16.07 million in flood damages.
Operation and Maintenance funding in the work plan and proposed President’s Budget would provide money for upkeep, repairs and master planning activities at existing flood risk management projects. These projects include several dams Baltimore District owns and operates to reduce flood risk and for recreational purposes.
· East Sidney, Indian Rock, Whitney Point and Raystown dams received funds in fiscal 2017 to update master plans.
· Baltimore Harbor and Wicomico River received $23.35 million and $2 million, respectively, in fiscal 2017 to perform regularly-scheduled maintenance dredging this year to maintain navigable depths within the federally-authorized channels.
· The fiscal 2018 President’s Budget includes a proposed $22.03 million for Raystown Lake in Pennsylvania and a proposed $16.95 million for the operation and maintenance of Indian Rock Dam and the federally-maintained flood risk management project along Codorus Creek in York, Pennsylvania.
· The fiscal 2018 President’s Budget includes a proposed $25.56 million for dredging in the Baltimore Harbor and channels; $2.3 million for dredging in Knapps Narrows; $2 million for dredging in Wicomico River; and $250,000 for dredging in Ocean City Harbor Inlet, Sinepuxent Bay. All of these waterways are located in Maryland.
Additional navigation funds would be used for other activities associated with ongoing maintenance of federally-authorized navigation channels, including conducting hydrographic surveys of channels, and clearing drift and debris that could be hazardous to navigation.
· The Washington DC and Metropolitan Area Coastal Flooding feasibility study received $300,000 in fiscal 2017 to study coastal storm risk management alternatives for the District of Columbia and nearby communities along the Middle Potomac and Anacostia rivers. The District was identified as a flood-prone area that warranted further study in the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (NACCS) that was commissioned by Congress following Hurricane Sandy.
· The Chesapeake Bay Comprehensive Plan received $1.46 million in fiscal 2017 to complete a watershed assessment that identifies environmental opportunities in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and aims to synchronize similar existing federal, state and local efforts. This study is being done in coordination with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and several additional federal, state and local partners.
· The Baltimore District’s National Hurricane Program received $300,000 in fiscal 2017 to update hurricane evacuation software.
· The fiscal 2018 President’s Budget includes a proposed $200,000 for the Baltimore Metropolitan Water Resources Coastal Flooding feasibility study to identify coastal storm risk management alternatives for the Baltimore metropolitan area. This study also stemmed from NACCS.
· The W.R. Grace and Company, Curtis Bay site in Baltimore received $850,000 in fiscal 2017 and a proposed $2 million in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget to perform ongoing environmental remedial activities.
The fiscal 2018 Civil Works budget press book for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is available online under the heading Program Budget: Press Books. Programs and projects funded in the fiscal 2017 work plan can also be viewed online under the heading Work Plan (Fiscal Year 2017).
View the Baltimore District program and project web pages and fact sheets for more information.