Tag: construction
  • Army Corps to receive nearly $40 million in President's proposed fiscal 2022 budget to construct Chesapeake Bay restoration projects

    The President’s proposed budget for fiscal 2022 released May 28, 2021, includes nearly $40 million in Civil Works funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, to construct aquatic ecosystem restoration projects that benefit the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.
  • Army Corps of Engineers awards contract to replace floodwall near Penn Street

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, awarded a contract March 5, 2021, to Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc., a woman-owned small business (WOSB) based out of Rome, New York, for approximately $3.23 million to replace the floodwall adjacent to Penn Street. This floodwall is part of USACE's Codorus Creek flood risk management project.
  • First DOD mitigation banking instrument for Maryland unveiled

    The U.S. Air Force at Joint Base Andrews, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland Department of the Environment, GreenTrust Alliance and GreenVest LLC announced the completion of the first Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument for the Department of Defense in Maryland during an event held at The Courses at Andrews, Sept. 6, 2018. The first site to be restored under the UMBI is Mattawoman Creek in Pomfret, which is in Charles County. The entire project yields nearly 38 wetland credits and almost 1,600 stream credits to provide potential mitigation for planned construction efforts on JBA, such as runway construction or expansion.
  • Baltimore District provides funding outlook for projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, has announced the list of projects that will receive funding this fiscal year, as outlined in the fiscal 2017 work plan for the Army Civil Works program released May 24. Baltimore District is also sharing the projects included in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget for Civil Works released May 23.
  • Public utility construction scheduled to begin at Raystown Lake Feb. 21

    RAYSTOWN LAKE, Pennsylvania — Construction activities will begin Feb. 21 at U.S. Army Corps of
  • Army Corps resumes oyster restoration in Tred Avon River sanctuary

    The Baltimore District resumed the construction of oyster reef in the Tred Avon River Oyster Sanctuary in Talbot County, Dec. 14, 2016. Eight acres of reef will be restored using aged mixed shell in water depths greater than 9 feet mean lower low water.
  • Corps of Engineers to host webinar on new permit process for work in Maryland

    The Regulatory Branch is hosting a webinar Nov. 9, 2016, from 10 a.m. - noon on its fifth version of the Maryland State Programmatic General Permit (MDSPGP-5), which became effective Oct. 1, 2016, and will expire Sept. 30, 2021. The intent of MDSPGP-5 is to provide a streamlined Department of the Army authorization for certain recurring activities in Maryland formerly covered by the Nationwide Permits program that are similar in nature, have minimal individual and cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment, and satisfy other public interest review factors.
  • Corps of Engineers awards contract to resume oyster restoration in Tred Avon River

    The Baltimore District awarded an approximately $1-million contract Sept. 26, 2016, to Blue Forge LLC to construct oyster reefs in the Tred Avon River Oyster Sanctuary in Talbot County. Eight acres of reef are planned for construction using mixed shell with the option for an additional 10 acres. Work will occur between December 2016 and March 2017. The Oyster Advisory Committee recommended Aug. 1, 2016, that the Corps and non-federal sponsor Maryland Department of Natural Resources continue oyster restoration in the Tred Avon River after an initial delay was requested in December 2015 to review restoration progress.
  • Corps of Engineers constructs projects to manage stormwater at two Hyattsville elementary schools

    The Baltimore District, in coordination with Prince George’s County, Department of the Environment (DoE), is constructing a project to manage stormwater at both Ridgecrest Elementary and César Chávez Dual Spanish Immersion schools, starting June 27, 2016, for about a 30-day construction period. The project includes the conversion of two non-functioning bio-retention ponds to submerged gravel wetland sites at both schools, with one additional gravel wetland site at César Chávez.
  • Oyster restoration delayed in the Tred Avon River

    The Baltimore District announced Feb. 2, 2016, that it has delayed oyster restoration in the Tred Avon River at the request of its non-federal cost-share sponsor, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. This delay affects 8 acres of reef restoration that was part of an initial 24-acre project performed in spring 2015. Additionally, the delay will impact 20 - 30 acres of shallow-water reef restoration planned for a contract award in summer 2016 with construction taking place in winter 2016/2017. As a result of this delay, the Baltimore District plans to send a portion of its available oyster restoration funding in 2016 to the Corps’ Norfolk District for Bay restoration in Virginia.