Army Corps of Engineers awards contract to replace floodwall near Penn Street

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
Published March 12, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, awarded a contract March 5, 2021, to Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc., a woman-owned small business (WOSB) based out of Rome, New York, for approximately $3.23 million to replace the floodwall adjacent to Penn Street.

This floodwall is part of USACE's Codorus Creek flood risk management project. The overall project is 4.8 miles in length, and includes a widened and deepened creek channel, levees, floodwalls and bank protection elements. These components work jointly to help reduce flood risk to people and property in York, as well as communities downstream.

The project under this contract includes demolishing and replacing the entire floodwall with the installation of new stone (riprap) for bank erosion protection, as well as a new sluice gate and pipe built into the floodwall.

The work is anticipated to begin in early April and be completed within one year.

The Codorus Creek flood risk management project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1936. It is estimated that in conjunction with Indian Rock Dam, this project has prevented more than $55 million in flood damages since their construction in the 1940s.

The following work is also underway or has been completed as part of a major maintenance effort for the project: repair of bulge/instability issues in the stone floodwall near the Market Street Bridge, which was completed in November 2020; additional cleaning and inspection of approximately 100 (out of 270 total) drainage conduits; repair or replacement of drainage conduits based on completed inspection results; installation of riprap (large rocks placed along the shoreline to prevent erosion) at the upstream end of the southeast levee system, which was completed in January 2020; and development of a comprehensive long-term maintenance plan for the system.



Sarah Lazo

Release no. 21-016