Comment Period: February 9, 2024 to March 11, 2024
Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District (Corps), is planning to perform maintenance dredging for the Federal navigation channel in the Honga River, Dorchester County, Maryland during fiscal years of 2025 and/or 2026.
Contact: Chris Johnson at
Published: 2/9/2024
Comment Period: July 20, 2023 to August 19, 2023 Description: to perform maintenance dredging for the North East River federal navigation channel near North East, Cecil County, Maryland. Contact: Danielle Szimanski at or Eric Lindheimer at
Published: 7/20/2023
Comment Period: August 16, 2022 to September 15, 2022. Description: To perform maintenance dredging for the Herring Bay and Rockhold Creek federal navigation channel near Deale, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Contact: Danielle Szimanski at
Published: 8/16/2022
Comment Period: April 20, 2022 – May 19, 2022. ACTIVITY: Construction of a structure to provide protection to trail users from an overhead railroad bridge. The structure is to be constructed with 4 vertical poles to support metal fencing directly beneath the existing bridge. Location: Codorus Creek, York PA. POC: Robert Lewis at 410-962-2708, via email at or writing this office at the above address.
Published: 4/20/2022
All Interested Parties: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), including guidelines in 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 230 (Procedures for Implementing NEPA), the Baltimore District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in partnership with the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Maryland Port Administration (MPA), the non-federal sponsor, has prepared this draft supplemental Environmental Assessment (sEA) for the Mid-Chesapeake Bay Island Ecosystem Restoration Project (Mid-Bay Island Project) at Barren Island.
Published: 12/14/2021
PURPOSE: To replace the existing Baltimore Street Bridge with a new superstructure. The new bridge will consist of steel girders, a concrete deck, and concrete parapets. The existing beam seat (which coincides with the channel walls) will be replaced. Cracks and spalls on the flood control walls supporting the bridge will be repaired. Pipes that go through the flood control walls at the top of the walls will be replaced.
Comment Period: December 10, 2021 - January 9, 2022
Published: 12/10/2021
Comment Period: June 23, 2021 - July 22, 2021 PURPOSE: Install overhead lighting along a section of the Anacostia River Trail between Bunker Trail and Charles Armentrout Drive.
Published: 6/25/2021
Comment Period: June 25, 2021 to July 24, 2021. PURPOSE: To perform modifications of seven (7) openings in the line of protection which currently either require the placement of sandbags during high water event or no longer warranted because the opening served a rail line that has since been abandoned.
Published: 6/25/2021
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore
District (Corps), is planning to perform rehabilitation construction to the southern jetty
and maintenance dredging for the Fishing Creek Federal navigation channel in
Chesapeake Beach, Calvert County, Maryland. Please be advised that implementation
of this maintenance dredging is dependent on available funds.
Published: 5/18/2021
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District has received an application to alter a US Army Corps
of Engineers Civil Works Project, pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408).
The purpose of this notice is to solicit comments and recommendations from the public concerning
issuance of a Department of the Army permit for the work described below.
APPLICANT: City of Hornell Water Pollution Control Plant
AGENT: Mr. Matthew Higgins, Project Engineer, LaBella Associates, DPC
FEDERAL PROJECT: Hornell Flood Risk Management, Southeast Hornell System
LOCATION: Hornell (City) and Hornellsville (Town), New York
Published: 5/13/2021
Comment Period: February 22, 2021 to March 24, 2021. Project Description: The proposed work consists of dredging the Wicomico River channel to its authorized depth of 14 feet mean lower low water (MLLW), plus one foot of allowable over depth, and a width of 75 feet in the Wicomico River, Wicomico County, Maryland. Contact Person: Ms. Danielle Szimanski at
Published: 2/22/2021
PN 20-02 Comment Period: May 1, 2020 to June 1, 2020 Description: The City of Corning proposes to install a new 15” drainage conduit into the existing channel at Monkey Run, Steuben County, NY. POC: is Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 5/1/2020
The project involves the placement of a stone sill, clean fill and freshwater tidal vegetation to stabilize an eroding shoreline segment along the Anacostia River within Colmar Manor Park. POC: Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 10/23/2019
OPN-19-13 - o mechanically or hydraulically dredge approximately 822 lf of Fishing Creek (a Federal navigation channel) for purposes of removing sediment that has shoaled and is currently impeding navigable access (recreational, commercial, and emergency). The dredge material will be taken to a permitted dredge disposal facility located within the Town of Chesapeake Beach. POC: Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 9/30/2019
PN19-12 - Mechanical dredging of boat slips in Queenstown at 1st Ave and 2nd Ave. Removal of approximately 844 CY and placement Queen Anne's Queenstown Creek, Chester River 1st Ave & 2nd Ave, Queenstown, MD 21658
38.989977 -76.161031. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 7/1/2019
PN19-11 The proposed repair and maintenance work consists of debris and vegetation removal along the length of the FRMS, concrete and joint repair on the floodwall, filling voids and strengthening soils beneath the floodwall, installation of a new 500- LF rip rap revetment over the masonry seawall, and stabilization of the earthen levee soil. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 7/1/2019
Op 19-10 The Sunbury Municipal Authority (Wastewater Department) is planning on adding a 24” force main along the toe of the Levee, south of their Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed line would convey preliminary treated wastewater to an existing tank for equalization storage during high flow events. The Line would be located approximately 8’ from the existing fence and 5’ from the ground level toe of slope of the levee for a lateral length of 230 LF. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/18/2019
OP 19-09 - Construct 2,100 ft of non-motorized vehicle/pedestrian trail connecting two existing portions of the York Heritage Rail Trail. Minor grading and trail placement will occur on the land-side of levee toe slope. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/18/2019
OP 19-08 - (408-NAB-2019-0009) - Repair deteriorated conduits of nine drainage structures penetrating the Susquehanna and Chenango Rivers levee system. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/17/2019
OP 19-06 - Hornell LPP - Replace Canisteo St Bridge in Hornell, NY. POC: Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/17/2019
OP 19-07 - (408-NAB-2019-0008) - Replace Bridges at Seneca St. over Canacadea Creek and E. Main St. over Chauncey Run. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/17/2019
OPN 19-03 - Replace existing drainage structure pipe (DS 1B) using pipe bursting technique. Replace concrete endwall and flapgate. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/10/2019
OPN 19-04 -Install a pre‐cast inlet along the existing flood wall at Race St./Line St. for Toe Drain #17 location. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/10/2019
OPN 19--05 - Reconstruct Railroad tracks through closure structure #1. The project will be completed by Norfolk Southern completely. It will involve replacing approximately 500 LF of railroad tracks that run through Closure Structure No. 1 and on the toe of the Levee. The entire Bituminous Sill will be replaced. An Epflex Railseal will be installed. POC: Mr. Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/10/2019
opn 19-02 - (408-nab-2019-0003) - Corning Incorporated is proposing to remove and replace an existing brick paver walkway adjacent to an existing USACE flood wall located on the north side of its headquarters, adjacent to the Chemung River. The project will be adjacent to the existing wall but will not impact, be connected to, or involve modification to the wall itself. POC: Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/7/2019
Construct a 30’ x 20’ pavilion above an existing concrete pad within the flowage easement at 231 Havenview Retreat in Woodward Township, PA. POC: Nicholas Krupa at 410-962-4721, via email at
Published: 6/7/2019
OPN-18-03 - Maintenance dredging for the Federal navigation channel in the Wicomico River, Wicomico Co., Maryland. POC: Ms. Danielle Szimanski at (410) 962-6064 or
Published: 7/24/2018
Proposed Maintenance Dredging of Curtis Bay Channel, Cutoff Angle, Craighill Upper Range, Craighill Angle, Craighill Channel, Craighill Entrance. POC: Mr. Kevin Mainquist @ 410-962-6030 if there are any questions regarding the proposed work.
Published: 4/16/2018
Proposed Maintenance Dredging of the York Spit Channel. POC: Mr. Kevin Mainquist @ 410-962-6030 or
Published: 4/16/2018
Revised OP-N-17-02 – Description: To perform maintenance dredging for the Federal navigation channel at Knapps Narrows, Tilghman Island, Talbot County, Maryland. POC: Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or
Published: 8/10/2017
NN-17-02 – Description: To perform dredging and realignment of the Sheep Pen Gut Federal navigation channel on the west side of Smith Island near Rhodes Point, Somerset County, Maryland. POC: Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or
Published: 5/4/2017
NN-71-01 – Description: Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Virginia - Proposed Maintenance Dredging of the Cape Henry POC: Ms. Tiffany Burroughs @ 410-962-5677.
Published: 4/19/2017
NN16-04 – May 31, 2016 Description: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District (Corps), is planning to perform maintenance dredging for the Federal navigation channel on the Wicomico River, Wicomico County, Maryland. Please be advised that implementation of this maintenance dredging is dependent on available funds. The Corps’ notification and review procedures for dredging in Federal navigation channels is found under Section 313 and 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33USC 1323 and 1344). If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Danielle Szimanski at (410) 962-6064 or
Published: 6/1/2016
NN 16-02 – May 31, 2016 Description: Pursuant to Sections 313 and 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 USC 1323 and 1344) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pending availability of funds the Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel of the Ocean City Inlet, Ocean City, Maryland. For more information please contact Mrs. Danielle Szimanski at (410) 962-6064 with any questions.
Published: 5/31/2016
NN 16-03 – May 27, 2016 Description: The Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is planning to perform maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channels on Smith Island known as Twitch Cove and Big Thorofare, Somerset County, Maryland. Approximately 80,000 cubic yards (CY) of material will be hydraulically dredged. The majority of the dredged material will be beneficially used to restore dune and wetland habitat on Swan Island, which is part of the Martin National Wildlife Refuge at Smith Island. A portion of the dredged material will also be used to reinforce the south jetty (located 0.85 miles west of Ewell) where it ties into land and restore the adjacent shoreline. See public notice and associated maps for more information and please contact Ms. Catherine Perkins, Navigation, at 410-962-4283 with any questions.
Published: 5/27/2016
Proposed Maintenance Dredging of the Craighill Angle, Ferry Bar Channel, Brewerton Angle
Published: 4/26/2016
The Baltimore District of the Army Corps of Engineers is planning to perform maintenance dredging for the Federal navigation channel at Knapps Narrows, Talbot County, Maryland.
Published: 8/14/2015
NN15-03 (Revised) – June 23, 201 2015 Description: POC: The proposed work consists of dredging the Knapps Narrows Channel at Tilghman Island to its authorized depth of 9 feet (MLLW), plus two feet of allowable overdepth and a width of 74 feet. Ms. Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or at
Published: 6/23/2015
A Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment for 30-day public review for improvements to navigation in St. Jerome Creek for the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County, Maryland. The proposed project includes construction of two batter pile/vinyl sheet pile jetties held in place by vinyl covered piles at the entrance to St. Jerome Creek. POC: Ms. Angie Sowers, 410-962-7440,
Published: 5/19/2015
PN15-05 – April 27, 2015 Description: The proposed work consists of dredging the southern end of the Crisfield channel at Crisfield to its authorized depth of 12 feet (MLLW), plus two feet of allowable overdepth, and a varying width of 100 feet to 425 feet. POC: Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or at or Ms. Catherine Perkins @ 410-962-4283 or at
Published: 4/29/2015
PN 15-04 – April 20, 2015 Description: The proposed work consists of dredging the Twitch Cove and Big Thorofare channels at Smith Island to their authorized depth of 7 feet (MLLW), plus two feet of allowable overdepth, and a width of 60 feet. POC: Ms. Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or at or Ms. Catherine Perkins @ 410-962-4283 or at
Published: 4/21/2015
PN 15-03 – April 17, 2015 Description: The proposed work consists of dredging the Knapps Narrows Channel at Tilghman Island to its authorized depth of 9 feet (MLLW), plus two feet of allowable overdepth, and a width of 74 feet. POC: Danielle Szimanski @ 410-962-6064 or at
Published: 4/21/2015
The Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Baltimore Harbor & Channels Federal navigation project during calendar years 2015 and 2016.
Published: 4/6/2015
Published: 3/17/2015
Intent to Prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to Support the Decision
Published: 10/22/2014
The Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Baltimore Harbor & Channels Federal navigation project during calendar years 2014 and 2015.
Published: 7/1/2014
Pending availability of funds the Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel in Wicomico River, Wicomico County, Maryland.
Published: 4/10/2014
Pursuant to Sections 313 and 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 USC 1323 and 1344) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pending availability of funds the Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel in Isle of Wight Bay, and Sinepuxent Bay, Ocean City, Maryland.
Published: 9/24/2013
Pursuant to Sections 313 and 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 USC 1323 and 1344), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PENDING THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, the Baltimore District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Baltimore Harbor & Channels Federal navigation project during calendar years 2013 and 2014.
Published: 7/11/2013
The proposed work consists of dredging the channel to the authorized depth of 8 feet, mean lower low water (MLLW), plus 2 feet of advanced maintenance dredging and 1 foot of allowable overdepth (Enclosure 1). Due to the inaccuracies in dredging, some material may be removed beyond the overdepth. However, it is typically a negligible amount. Approximately 12,000 cubic yards of material consisting primarily of sand, gravel, shell and combinations thereof, are to be dredged using a hydraulic pipeline dredge, from the outermost 1,100 feet of the channel and placed on the proposed beach area (Enclosure 2). The dredge pipeline will be routed to minimize impacts to the habitat of the northeastern beach tiger beetle, which is located along the beach between the placement site and the Federal channel entrance.
Published: 6/27/2013