Aitch Boat Launch

Aitch (pronounced “H) is tucked nearly a mile off the main channel in a large no wake area surrounded by small coves and inlets.  This makes Aitch the perfect location to have a quite cruise or find the next great fishing spot.

Location: Western shoreline, beyond point marker J2 (stay to the left of the island)
Directions:  Aitch is located near the town of Marklesberg, PA.  From southbound Rt. 26 at Huntingdon continue 10.5 miles to Marklesberg.  At Marklesberg turn left onto Aitch Road.  (marked by sign).  Aitch Road leads directly to the launch (0.8 miles)

  • Open year-round, no winter maintenance
  • 65 trailer parking spaces at ramp
  • 6 single-car parking spaces at ramp
  • Double Lane launch
  • Floating courtesy dock
  • Universally accessible fishing pier
  • Vault Restroom (pit toilets)
  • Drinking water access
  • Picnic shelter (reservation info here)
  • Picnic tables and grills

Parking space designations: 7 trailer and 2 single-car spaces are designated for handicap parking only.  1 space is reserved for authorized vehicles only.

Shelter parking:  Trailers are not permitted in the shelter parking lot under any circumstance.  Launch visitors are requested not to use picnic shelter parking on summer weekends as the shelter is often reserved.

Wake Zone:  PWC users or those wishing to avoid no-wake zones may prefer not to use Aitch due to the distance required to navigate out of the no-wake zone.

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History of "Aitch"

   Aitch Recreation Area is named for the village of Aitch, formally located in the area.  After much debating for a name, residents agreed to “Aitch”- using initials taken from pioneering settlers.

   Signs of Aitch village can still be seen at Aitch Recreation Area, if you know where to look!  The fishing pier now sits on the foundations of the famous Huntingdon and Broad Top railroad that once ran through the village.  Yucca plants and Rose bushes that once adorned backyards now dot the landscape around Aitch Recreation Area. These are just a few small reminders of communities that once inhabited the Raystown Branch, now Raystown Lake.

An aerial view of Aitch.
An aerial view of Aitch. The old railroad is marked by the strip of trees towards the center of the picture.
