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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District (USACE- Baltimore) is in the process of updating the Master Plan (MP) and preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Stillwater Lake Project (hereafter “Stillwater Lake Project” or “Stillwater Lake”) located on the Lackawanna River in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. The update of the master plan will be in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, the January 2013 updates to the Engineer Regulation (ER) and Engineering Pamphlet (EP), and the November 2015 policy memorandum revision to ER and EP 1130-2-550 Master Plans.

Stillwater Lake Project Master Plan Update and Environmental Assessment Public Notice

About the Master Plan Revision

What is a Master Plan?

Master Plans summarize existing conditions, serve as an inventory and analysis of land resources, consider implications of alternative development actions, and recommend land use changes to support a preferred development plan. A Master Plan provides a framework for consistent, responsible decision-making for 15-25 years.  This includes land use classifications that govern the way land is managed and used to provide good stewardship and outdoor recreation to meet the needs created by the lake itself.  

How will this impact Stillwater Lake?

The primary goals of the the master plan revision are to prescribe an overall land use management plan, resource objectives, and associated design and management concepts for Stillwater Lake Project.  This means we're basically creating an updated guide for the management of Stillwater Lake Project based upon new public input, environmental studies, etc.  It's important to note that a Master Plan does not plan or approve changes or improvements to the project's flood risk management functions. 

How can I be involved?

We want and need public input throughout this process.  A Master Plan is the community's chance to shape the future of the lake by suggesting improvements, new ideas or giving feedback on current or future use.  You can submit questions or comments for the Master Plan Revision within the form below. 

Questions and Comments

If you have a question, comment or any feedback regarding the Stillwater Lake Master Plan Revision, please fill out the below fields and click submit.  Your information and question/comment will then be sent to our project team.  


Helpful Links and Resources

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