Tag: Corps of Engineers
  • Army Corps, Prince George’s County to host public meeting on county levee systems, flood risk management

    BLADENSBURG, Maryland – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, and Prince George’s
  • Army Corps begins jetty, dredging projects to benefit Smith Island residents

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is starting work on two critical projects to benefit Smith Island residents — a navigation improvement project at Rhodes Point that includes the construction of two jetties, and dredging the Big Thorofare and Twitch Cove federal channels.
  • Corps of Engineers awards contract for navigation project at Rhodes Point on Smith Island

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, awarded a contract Sept. 29, 2017, to Coastal Design & Construction Inc., a small business out of Gloucester, Virginia, in the amount of approximately $6.88 million for construction of a navigation improvement project at Rhodes Point on Smith Island, in collaboration with Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Somerset County.
  • Army Corps, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to start study on ways to protect vulnerable assets from coastal flooding

    Baltimore District signed an agreement July 18 with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to begin an approximately $3-million, three-year study on possible ways to address coastal flooding and storm damage across more than 57 square miles in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas of suburban Maryland and northern Virginia. As part of this study, the team will investigate flood risk and identify ways to help protect vulnerable assets upon which the region relies, like local governments, businesses, institutions and water, energy and communication utilities; transportation hubs; federal buildings and military installations; national security facilities; and significant national monuments and cultural treasures.
  • Poplar Island Cautionary Buoys

    POPLAR ISLAND, Maryland – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, and the Coast Guard are urging boaters to steer clear of a construction area that will be marked by cautionary buoys near Poplar Island in the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Army Corps of Engineers accepting comments on environmental assessment for navigation improvement project on Smith Island

    Baltimore District released June 22 for a 15-day public comment period an environmental assessment for a navigation improvement project at Rhodes Point on Smith Island in collaboration with Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Somerset County.
  • Baltimore District provides funding outlook for projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, has announced the list of projects that will receive funding this fiscal year, as outlined in the fiscal 2017 work plan for the Army Civil Works program released May 24. Baltimore District is also sharing the projects included in the fiscal 2018 President’s Budget for Civil Works released May 23.
  • Oyster restoration resumes in Tred Avon River sanctuary

    The Baltimore District along with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Oyster Recovery Partnership resumed oyster restoration on approximately 10 acres in the Tred Avon River sanctuary, April 18, 2017. This restoration effort was included as an option as part of an approximately $ 1-million contract awarded Sept. 26, 2016, to Blue Forge LLC that entailed the restoration of eight acres of mixed-shell reef in the Tred Avon.
  • District of Columbia team that manages flood risks is recognized nationally

    A District of Columbia interagency team that manages flood risks, known as the DC Silver Jackets, was recognized as state team of the year during a national workshop in St. Louis, March 2, 2017. The DC Silver Jackets leverages resources to identify and implement comprehensive, resilient, and sustainable solutions to reduce flood risks around the flood-prone District. There are active Silver Jackets teams in 47 states, plus the District, and the program is sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Army Corps resumes oyster restoration in Tred Avon River sanctuary

    The Baltimore District resumed the construction of oyster reef in the Tred Avon River Oyster Sanctuary in Talbot County, Dec. 14, 2016. Eight acres of reef will be restored using aged mixed shell in water depths greater than 9 feet mean lower low water.