Fishing Line Recycling Containers Installed at Boat Ramps

All too often, man-made materials that are discarded carelessly become hazards for wildlife. Most anglers are aware that monofilament fishing line is high on the list of materials that when left in the environment, can pose serious problems. Monofilament fishing line can last up to 500 years in the environment where it can entangle fish and wildlife especially ducks, geese, ospreys, herons and turtles.
Fishing line deposited into the recycling units can be collected and returned to the line manufacturers like Berkley. Thanks to the help of anglers across the nation, Berkley’s recycling program has recycled more than 9 million miles of fishing line. Properly disposed fishing line can be recycled and turned into useful products such as tackle boxes, fishing line spools, and other fishing products.
Thank you to the Tioga County Bass Anglers for supporting this important conservation effort at Tioga-Hammond & Cowanesque Lakes.