Steam Sterilization Plant Replacement

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District and Fort Detrick are preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Steam Sterilization Plant Replacement at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Draft EA is now available for public and agency review.

We request your review and written comment of the Draft EA for the Steam Sterilization Plant Replacement at Fort Detrick within 30 days of receipt of this correspondence. If you cannot access the document online or if you have any questions, please send a request for information to

Interested parties are also invited to submit comments via mail to Department of the Army, U.S. Army Installation PAO, 810 Schreider St, Suite 100, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702.

Alternatively, more information about the Draft EA and environmental review can be obtained by calling Fort Detrick at 301-619-2018 during normal working business hours, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

The Proposed Action involves the construction of the SSP on the ground floor of the new USAMRIID facility. This action would contain effluent processing to the same building in which it is generated, potentially minimizing environmental risks. The new SSP would use newer, more efficient technology. The EA also considers a No Action Alternative, which would involve no new construction.

Comment on the Draft EA


Fort Detrick, Md.

Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland, covers approximately 1,200 acres and is divided among three areas. Area A is the largest and is the Baltimore District’s primary construction area. The Forest Glen Annex, in Silver Spring, Md., also falls under the operational control of Fort Detrick. The current Baltimore District design/construction program is approximately $800 million and features the $677 million U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases facility. This is the only Department of Defense high-containment biological laboratory, and it will be the cornerstone of the National Interagency Biodefense Campus. The balance of the projects cover multiple organizations (four cabinet-level agencies) focusing on advanced bio-medical research and development, medical materiel management, and long-haul telecommunications for the White House, Defense Department and other governmental agencies.