Regulatory Correspondence

Please submit any correspondence, including compliance certification forms, via email at

or via mail:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
Regulatory Branch (CENAB-OPR)
2 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201

Customer Service Survey

We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers and would like to know how well we have been doing. 

To access the survey, click here.

Public Notices Overview

A Public Notice is prepared as the primary method of advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought and of soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable beneficial and detrimental impacts on the public interest.  Public notices are only prepared for projects determined to exceed minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects and that may be contrary to the public interest.

Submitting Comments:

To send email comments to the respective Project Manager, click on the Project Manager's name below, or contact the Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 2 Hopkins Plaza., Baltimore, MD 21201. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number. Please be sure to include the Public Notice Number or the Application Number on all correspondence to the District.

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  • SPN 13-05 - Support the Protection of Military Assets During Force Protection Condition Charlie or Delta

    Authorizing the temporary establishment of restricted areas in and around all military assets located in or adjacent to navigable waters of the United States in the State of Maryland, central Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and the Cities of Alexandria and Arlington, and Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince Williams Counties, Virginia, during the implementation of force protection conditions Charlie or Delta.

  • PN 13-06 - Harrison Inlet Inn, Inc - Fruitland, MD

    Expiration date: 3/4/2013

    To nourish an existing beach area for recreational use at an existing commercial hotel; improve existing horseshoe crab habitat; and provide improved shoreline erosion control.

  • PN 13-04 - Homer’s Hideaway Marina - Ocean City, MD

    Expiration date: 3/1/2013

    To provide and maintain navigational access to an existing marina.

  • PN 13-03: Harris Creek Open House - Easton, MD

    Expiration date: 3/26/2013

    To restore natural, self-sustaining, oyster populations and oyster bottom habitat in Harris Creek, Talbot County, Maryland.

  • PN 13-02: Potomac River at St. Catherine's Island

    Expiration date: 3/1/2013

    Northern Area: To construct 20-foot wide by 45-foot long stone extensions to an existing 50-foot breakwater to extend no more than 98 feet channelward of the approximate mean high water (MHW) shoreline and to replenish a beach along approximately 600 linear feet of shoreline by depositing approximately 580 cubic yards of clean select sloped sand fill to extend no more than 70 feet channelward of the approximate MHW shoreline. Southern Area: To construct a 10-foot wide by 40-foot long stone spur at the end of an existing stone revetment to extend no more than 30 feet channelward of the approximate MHW shoreline; to construct a 10-foot wide by 80-foot long stone breakwater to extend approximately 25 feet channelward of the approximate MHW shoreline and to replenish beach along approximately 400 linear feet of shoreline by depositing approximately 172 cubic yards of clean select sloped sand fill to extend no more than 15 feet channelward of the approximate MHW shoreline.

Regulatory Documents
